Tuesday 24 March 2015

Vintage Travel Posters

Could these be the second-hand score of the year so far? Yes - I think so.

The cost of these charming posters? £0 - free!

I picked them up a few weekends back at a car boot sale in Primrose Hill. James and I (my boyfriend, my long-suffering second-hand trawling companion), got up early on Saturday morning for a pleasant trip up North. I found out about this sale from Pretty Much Penniless and pictured myself returning home laden with Tom Dixon candles and vintage kimonos.

At first it was disappointing. All of the 'professional sellers' were there, with piles of old phone chargers and useless computer games. We were heading out when we spotted these posters and were told 'the frames are broken, they were originally a set of three, so you can just take those'. SWEET!

They look so good in my living room.

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